
Give Cyclos A Test Run

Simply visit and login with:
user: demo
pass: 1234
Then download the App and connect to the demo site, then log in via the app.


You may use this demo to present Cyclos to your team, client or funders.

Native, Modern, Award-Winning*
Banking-Standard Software

Let people find each other and
exchange what they have for what they need
using a unique complementary currency.

See the list of detailed features
*Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation 2014 E-payment Innovation Award WINNER

A Full Range of Features

Online Banking

Mobile Banking


QR Code Payments

E-Commerce Marketplace

Fingerprint Access

Open API & RESTful

Bank Grade

Highly Configurable

Multiple Currencies

Many Transaction Types

Many Fee


Loyalty Points

Detailed Analytics

Full Language Localization


Send Multiple Transactions

See the complete feature list

The Largest City Currency in the UK

At the Bristol Pound we encourage people to spend their money with local businesses in Bristol and the surrounding region, to stimulate and generate a stronger local to regional economy. Our target population is around 1 million people making us the largest scheme of its kind in the UK. We spent a year researching what system would cope with our ambitions, talking to many experts in the field.
In the end Cyclos was the only contender.
Contact us
Bristol Pound Complementary Currency

Our decades of experience worldwide, together with international-standard banking software, are the key to success when implementing a complementary currency.

Contact us